The whole point of it really is to keep track of everything I get up to during my year in the US, but it seems a bit too much like plunging in at the deep end if I don't start writing until I arrive in August. Not that I can really write much about my life at the moment; sitting watching some weird and slightly boring Michael Douglas film in my joggers hardly makes for a fascinating read. I'm just hoping that writing something, anything, will help reignite the spark of creativity within me that was so thoroughly doused by seven years of secondary school. Technically, as an English student I should probably be perfectly happy to reel off some inspiring piece on just about anything, something I think this post has proven fairly untrue. But I'll keep trying until inspiration sneaks its way in and finally makes me write something half decent.
For now, I'll just settle for not being given a Mcjob, and watching Vicar of Dibley repeats while the dog avoids me.
Sometimes I think my life is just too exciting.